Greetings Henrico Dems! Here is the zoom link for tonights meeting for those of you who would prefer to join us virtually; Topic: Henrico Dems June Meeting Time: Jul 10, 2023 07:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81662266903?pwd=N1BVNlFPOWZubmhrUktjL0RPZkJ2QT09 Meeting ID: 816 6226 6903 Passcode: 264006 This is your friendly reminder of our monthly Henrico County Democratic Committee meeting tonight. We will be sharing some very exciting news and important info about what's going on and how you can help us win in November. We are looking forward to hearing from Advocacy Organizer, Grace Robinson, from Freedom Virginia. You may have already received some of their informational mailers or seen some of their events and action items coming across your media feeds. Freedom Virginia is a nonpartisan 501(c)4 organization committed to building a Commonwealth where all Virginia families have the freedom to thrive. Freedom Virginia advances economic security policies through grassroots activism, voter engagement, and legislative advocacy. Their efforts began in 2020 and since then they've pushed for a more economically secure Virginia by sharing real stories about Virginians’ lack of access to affordable healthcare, education, energy, and the need for policies that foster more safety for families.

Not Just Your Usual Meet And Greet!
Roe Your VoteVirginiais a new PAC focused on helping abortion-rights candidates run and win in Virginia’s 2023 General Assembly elections. The only PAC in Virginia that will give to a narrow – but impactful – group of pro-choice candidates in competitive elections; give early and without restrictions; and give enough to win.
This Roe Your Voteevent is hosted by our Chair,Alsúin Creighton-Preis to benefit one of our finest representatives,Rodney Willett. He is running in one of the most heavily contested seats in Virginia. We must re-elect him to the General Assembly!
Come and hear from Roe Your Vote Board Chair and former First Lady Of VA, Pam Northam and her husband, Governor Ralph Northam, along with the Candidate himself, Rodney Willett.
You don't want to miss this event! You can RSVP at this Link or by using the details in the invite. See you next Tuesday (tomorrow) evening!